Monday, July 9, 2012

In the Fast Lane of Life

Yesterday I was lost and ready to quit my job. Today, I got promoted and a raise. Things have not become magically perfect overnight, but the prospect of going to another location is something I look forward to. And I can continue to look for another job.

Each one of you have said something most true about this situation. This morning, as I had breakfast and read your comments, I cried. I might not be hearing the voice of my heart or the universe lately, but nonetheless, the universe has continued to speak to me, through each one of you.

 I continue to struggle with what is really important in life and with this fast pace of life, where the current of the rat race almost drowns me sometimes. I will continue to struggle, because at least it means I know what's important, even though most of the world might not agree with me.


Naquillity said...

congrats on your promotion & raise. and good luck with your continued job search. hope everything works out the way you want it to. i absolutely love your painting. it's very good. have a great night~

turquoisemoon said...

Ooh..I love that butterfly. Congratulations on your promotion. I ended up figuring that a job simply supports my habits...

beth said...

i think the universe did speak to you....brightly and i think taking that as a sign is all you can do for now.

i love the colors on this new page you shared.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Hold tight Ana you are going to find the peace and fulfillment you are looking for. Hugs B

The Cranky said...

Sometimes the best gift we can give one another is that of attention. You do that for others, is it any wonder the universe gave it back to you through us?

I hope a change in location will make things more bearable for you until the best place for you shows up. In the meantime, perhaps we can all lift up one another's hearts and be the peaceful and loving moments in one another's lives which we all need from time to time.

I also hope you'll continue to add materials to your Etsy shop; this butterfly...such an apt metaphor for transformation, is exquisite. Your work speaks for you.

Jenny said...

Your gorgeous artwork could not speak any more loudly Ana... everything about it is beautiful... and as you spread your wings and fly free... the answers will come... I 'heart' your work...

Jenny x

Jane said...

How wonderful - congrats on your promotion! I read your post yesterday, left without commenting (wanted to think over what you'd said) and then life got in the way... Just amazing how that worked out - a little smile from the Universe to keep you going until you find a new path :)

S said...

Congrats on the promotion and the raise. Wishing you all the best. Every day is a new day and faith in yourself will carry you through. I love your paintings. Keep the good work going !

Sarah Flight said...

What a lovely post and butterfly - and congratulations.

foxysue said...

Enjoy the flight beautiful butterfly. x

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Congrats on your promotion! :) I'm glad things are looking up for you. Believe it or not, what's important in life is how you feel. Keep going places and doing things that feel good to you and you'll be ok. :) Simple, right?

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I like that: I will continune to struggle, at least it means I know whats important... Hopeful, but realistic. I am that way too...Capricorn! I struggled bigtime this past year at work. It drove me insane, and I was sick through it all. i kept telling myself "One day at a time" and "that's why they call it Work" just to get through it...even though inside I love to teach children, but it was all the rest of it that didnt make sense anymore. I know you will somehow get to a better place, Ana, and hopefully this promotion and move will lead you there. Keep with this path through the are not alone.

Sherri B. said...

Ana, I'm glad that you at least have a new location to go to; that alone (a change in environment) will hopefully help. The rat race is a stressful, draining place...congrats to you on your raise and promotion! As always, your art work is so beautiful.

alteredstatesstudio said...

the butterfly is beautiful and i like how you showed the progress...i can't help but wonder if it is more symbolic?....i am glad to hear that you got a promotion and a change of atmosphere-so give it time, but, i also liked hearing that you may keep looking....and that is ok too. when one door closes, another will open.

Sulky Kitten said...

Well, congratulations on the promotion and raise! That's the wonderful thing about life - it keeps changing and offering new paths to explore. Love your butterfly.

Kay Ra said...

Congratulations! Moving to a new place can be bit daunting but at the same time very exciting, exploring new things and new people and of course new you! Best of luck at your new place and keep us updated! :)

Arkansas Patti said...

What a difference a day makes. Congrats and hope you take your time finding what you want and in the mean time, enjoy that raise.

Victoria said...

Beautiful symbolic art..full of transformative powers and beauty!
HUgs and congrats! and wishing you magical adventures ahead..even if things are hard at times..there is always beauty along the way! Shine on..keep are such a strong resilient spirit..that i know all will be well kindred!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm happy for you, too. But it's so is forever changing. I struggle with how to spend my time and get the most out of life. I don't want to miss anything...or spend my time doing things that I don't want to do. I sure enjoy your blog!

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

What a difference a day makes. Congratulations on your promotion and raise. I do hope things continue to go well for you, Ana. One day at a time...

Shaharoh said...

You are sooo sweet! When I feel alone and lost, there's always a voice or voices out there that carry me through it. Yours is one, whether it's your comments, your blogs or your art. I know this promotion and raise will not automatically heal everything but at least you are actively trying to change the situation. In one of my songs, I wrote "Easy to drown when no one's around. You feel like no one's watching. Just a matter of time. Till you've arrived. We all can share the spotlight." It's a fast-paced life but we're surviving!

Zena said...

Congrats!! So glad you´re feeling better, beautiful painting