Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Women's Circle

When I was in college getting a degree in Women's Studies, I dreamed of a Women's Circle. I longed for women who were going to be together, be supportive in a environment of acceptance. It was with great disappointment I sat down, in the first get together of the group, and listened the girls criticizing some female celebrity.

For some reason, it's been hard to make the same type of connection in "real life" as the ones I am making here. I feel a deep connection to the women who come here. I feel a love in my heart for their soul and being, a wish to send all that is good in me out into the universe to them.

I have an online friend. We chatted for the first time 12 years ago. We never met. I don't believe we ever will. I wonder if it is the vacuum from social expectations that allows us to be so brutally honest and open. I wonder if it is the fact that there is little to gain or lose when all that controls us is removed.

It is amazing that everything that I dreamed of has come true and continues to come true. I wished for a Women's Circle and I found a wonderful one here, through this blog.


GlorV1 said...

Oh how wonderful Ana. I hope I can be a part of this great group you have. I believe that it is because we are sharing our "souls," so to speak. We are not afraid to be truthful about things and when we speak we try to do it in a kind and gentle way so as not to offend the other person. I have been to blogs where all I see after sentences is !!!!!. tee hee. I feel like I'm being yelled at. I am very happy that you have found some way to really express your soul, such as this beautiful painting. Awesome work. Take care and have a great rest of the day.

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I feel the same warm and welcomed way, Ana! In this crazy world, it is wonderful to have a circle of women friends i feel so close with, to share so many interests, ideas, emotions, thoughts...highs and lows...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ain't the blogosphere grand?

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

I feel the same way, Ana. I've met some amazing women through my blog. The blogging world, like Debra says, is grand!

turquoisemoon said...

I have a large circle of girlfriends both blog and "real life". I love them all. When I became a widow, it was them, all of them, that helped me get by. Girlfriends are the bestest! xoxox

S said...

A circle of like minded friends sharing the same vibe and outlook towards life- This is fantastic. I have realized that in the virtual world, the formation of such a tribe and acceptance from each other is always possible. Maybe in real life, it isn't that possible, at least in some cases where introverts find it difficult to reach out "socially" or for the fear of being judged or not accepted by the society. Also because sometimes in real life, people judge according to the color of skin, religion, looks/beauty, social standing , ability to express yourself verbally, etc. etc.
I am amazed by the similarities we have both in thinking patterns, creative pursuits and backgrounds. Isn't it surprising that I was doing research in Woman's Studies {just like you } a few years back ? However, I did not complete my PhD .
Another thing: I read your reply in "Healing Moments" blog where you expressed your liking for white sheets and white China. Amazing ! I have the same tastes too !
Your painting is beautiful and vibrant. keep it up !

The Cranky said...

You have a warm, welcoming, and generous soul Ana; is it any wonder you've attracted the same. I think, at it's best, the internet offers the same conditions as a darkened room experiment; the opportunity to express our real selves freely without being anxious about seeing an expression or hearing a tone of voice that makes us unsure of acceptance.

I look forward to your posts, like I look forward to the voice of a trusted friend outside the door. Your artwork is beautiful and inspiring, your warmth and honesty that of the kind of friend we all want and need in our lives.

Sulky Kitten said...

I've certainly met some lovely people through blogging. For me it has been a great way to communicate with people of a similar disposition and I enjoy that immensely. Beautiful painting, your use of colour is fantastic.

alteredstatesstudio said...

I would say the same thing...i feel a better connection within the blogs than i do in "life." i am so thankful for your first comment on my blog- you are such a wonderful spirit!! so glad for this! i love your flowers!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I feel the same way...it's like being back in school...surrounded by lots of girlfriends! It's FUN and there are all kinds of ladies that you can connect with. I've had your blog open for a few days, enjoying your beautiful art! I'm putting you in my blog list of favs!

Sherri B. said...

I'm glad your wish came true...I believe an online women's circle can be as nurturing as a real life one. I'm glad to be a part of yours. :)

By the way, I have another online circle that I'm a part of (via a music forum from six years ago). The four of us still group message daily via FB, and I've met two of them in person now (the fourth is in Australia). We're all four planning a vacation together (just us girls) in 2014. They've become my best friends. It's truly amazing! :)

I love your art work!

Arkansas Patti said...

You may have a point as to why we feel so free to open up to our blog buddies more so than our face to face friends. Those who return are volunteers with like minds to begin with. Rarely do I meet with judgemental comments but almost always encouraging ones. Those who don't like what we have to say just don't come back nor do we keep going back to those whose opinions grate on our nerves. Blogging itself is an automatic buddy filter.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog for that very reason...such a wide variety of subject matter and participants.
Girrl, I wanna be in your circle!

:.tossan® said...

Pure art. very pretty!

Jeanie said...

Hi, Just another quick note to thank you for your kind comments on The Marmelade Gypsy. And I have to say again that when I come here and see your wonderful colors, I am transported into a beautiful golden world.

Jeanie said...

One other thing -- this blog world is indeed a wonderful (mostly) women's circle. I've met a number of bloggers in my travels and I have never been disappointed. Everyone I've met, at least, is the person they are on-blog, in comments, etc. And I just love that!

Jane said...

I too truly appreciate all the women in my blogging circle. We share straight from the heart - age, weight, appearance, social standing is all irrelevant - in favour of a truer intimacy: mind and soul.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

This was so wonderful to read. :) And it's true for me, too. I love the vibrant warm colors of this art piece. :)

Denise Mulligan said...

There is a closeness you find with others who put their hearts out on the page (computer screen). I guess it is because we are behind this little shield we feel we can write out our true thoughts.

Write it and click that publish button before thinking too hard about what we wrote.

In that moment of vulnerability, we wait for a response and are so grateful when one comes through and is not condemning us.

I think those are the keys, vulnerability and gratefulness that bonds bloggers together.

Thank you for sharing this part of yourself and your beautiful art.

Naquillity said...

a women's circle is a great idea. this gives a safe place to share their feelings & emotions without fear of reprimand. and i must say you're off to a great start with your painting. it's beautiful. hope all is well. have a great night~

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Ana I am so happy for you I also have found many friends who I may never meet here in this woman circle I have created in blogger land. I love your paintings. Keep smiling Ana life is good. B

Susan said...

What you have said here is so true. Even for me, my blog and the people I have met through it have been a wonderful experience.
Love this painting.Have you used something shiny on it? The butterfly of the previous post is also amazing. Congrats on your promotion.
Thank you so much for your wishes on my b'day post.

Introverted Art said...

Susan, I used twinkling H2O which is a type of watercolor with mica in it. It glitters and I love it!


What a lovely post, and your art is beautiful! So glad to have discovered your blog -- following you now :)

Almost Precious said...

Such lovely art work. I can feel the warmth of summer just by looking at it.
Ana, your etsy shop is on its way to becoming a lovely online art gallery. I look forward to seeing more of your pieces on display there. :)

Shaharoh said...

So happy to be a part of this amazing melting pot of artists and writers! Who knows, maybe it will bleed over into real life one day like in the video "Take On Me":)

Zena said...

I had the same dream and indeed I have found it here. Maybe because we can only detect kindred spirits when we are ready to show your vulnerability and stay true to ourselves and this easier when we´re talking to an "unknow" audience

Anyway, this is been a wonderful experience and I am glad I am living it.

Lisa Graham said...

You are such a sharing sweetheart and these sweet little painted flowers are wonderful! xo from Wichita, Kansas!

Anonymous said...

I met a friend through blogging over 8 years ago. We email, text and talk on the phone. He is the one person that knows all of my secrets, idiosyncrasies, etc and I his. He lives in New York, I'm in Florida -we've yet to meet. Sometimes the people you meet through blogging become closer to you than the people you see every day... Funny how that works.

Elena said...

Oh man I get it! The friends I've met online have become like family. This summer I got to meet six of them...one traveled all the way from Australia as we traveled all over to get together. And the connections were just as strong in person as they were online...