Wednesday, June 6, 2012

When I was younger

I am officially old. No, it is not my birthday and I am really not that old. Nevertheless, I used to think all old people started their sentences with "when I was younger." So my "oldhood" became official when I caught myself saying: when I was younger, I used to love the 35mm film camera. I dreamed on having my own dark room where I would spend hours alone developing film and creating art on paper.

My good friend from Brazil.

The digital era arrived. I gave in. But yesterday, I found my old Canon Rebel film camera. I decided to stop at my local CVS and buy some film. I also reminisced on how each photo taken on film is special. Unlike digital photos that can be taken a thousand times over, film does not provide the luxury of preview and only allows me so many shots.

More film experiments to come.

These photos were taken a few years back in Belem, a Brazilian city in the Amazon region.


Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I can't wait to see your new photos on film! It will be fun seeing more of the world through your eyes...

turquoisemoon said...

Hahaha... I am old and really, really enjoy my new camera! I need to take tons, just to get one good one. It will be fun to see your pictures...can't wait!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I must say that I prefer digital. I can take as many photos as I want without having to think "Jeez, this'll cost a FORTUNE to develop!"

Sherri B. said...

How awesome that you're "going back in time" and using real film. I have to admit that I'm also thrilled with digital, and the ability to take hundreds of photos for free (and to be able to see them immediately). I love your photos! Is that you in the second picture? If so, what a beautiful photo of you it is. If you're old, than I'm ancient! :)

P.S. Thanks so much for your kind words about my photo/poem...I truly appreciate it.

Introverted Art said...

Hi Sherri, the person on the photo is my good friend from Brazil. She was my host while I was there and took me to all places and put up with me complaining about the heat... ;-)

Jo said...

I loved the thrill of going through newly developed photos... I should go find my old camera... :)

Debra said...

Ana, I enjoyed these black and whites; the first two, my favorites.
Keep exploring and sharing. Looking forward to more!

Jenny said...

How wonderful Ana... it does feel like stepping back into time when we think of film... I did love those times too... and I love how those photos look now... I loved rolling a reel of film through the camera... taking it in to be developed... and then waiting with anticipation for how my pictures would be... yes, of course, digital has the luxury of taking lots of pictures... until we are happy with the result... only printing off what we need... but there certainly was something quite magical about a camera with film...

Jenny x

Sulky Kitten said...

I love the first photo - very atmospheric. I'm a digital fan too, mainly because I'm not very skilled.

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

I love your photos! They are amazing. When I was in college (a loooong time ago), I also dreamed about my own dark room. It never quite worked out, but my love for photography remained. I used to love my 35mm film camera and it took awhile for me to jump on the digital bandwagon. I'm a creature of habit, so I'm a little reluctant to give up something that I'm rather comfortable with. But I've now gotten comfortable wtih digital photography. I hope they don't change things any time soon! Still. There was something special about film cameras; a feeling that digital cameras do not evoke. Modern day equipment just seems a little colder.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I did have a dark room when I was young. :) But that interest has passed so I'm really glad for the digital era. :) Awesome photos!

S said...

Ana, loving your black & white photographs and the subject matter of this post ! My father had [still has } a "Yashica" film camera [ with external flash] and all my childhood photos were captured in it. Initially, he used B&W rolls and later shifted to colored ones ! I got my basic training in photography from that camera only ! Your post made me nostalgic:-)
have a nice day!

alteredstatesstudio said...

your photos are amazing! the pic of the girl is fantastic- i like the overall composition and the black and white. i love the "film" cameras and the surprise of what your photos looked liked when printed- almost seems lost in this time of digital cameras (which i have now and of course love because i can retake the pic).

and, isn't it funny when you say something and you realize what you just said and there is the flash back that comes with whatever was is really scary when i say something, and not only is it something that my mom would say, but, i sound so very much like her, i have to look over my shoulder to see if she is there!

The Dancing Crone said...

35 mm is a much sexier camera. More connected to the body of the photographer I think.

Almost Precious said...

Film photography is, without doubt, far more challenging and does take one to the far side of their talent and ability. I can honestly say I never was able to take a decent photo with my little five dollar, plastic camera and a roll of Kodak B & W film. But it wasn't the film's or the camera's fault, the blame rested solely on myself.

When I look back through 40+ years of photo albums I am amazed at how so many of the old color photos have faded or yellowed with age, whereas the B & W are as sharp as the day they were taken.

Arkansas Patti said...

It might be just me but I prefer black and white. There is more detail. You are so right about digital. If you take a thousand shots, surely one will be great. You had to think, plan, know your equipment so much more in those days when film was king.

Susan said...

Love these snaps Ana. Sometimes I fondly remember my 'childhood days too when we used to buy rolls of film, then take them to the studio to get it developed.Now, digital has made things very easy but attimes I feel the whole process of taking pics have gone meaningless. Maybe it is just me... .
Thank you for your comments on my recent posts.

Jane said...

I love these pics - b&w seems to say so much more... I remember the film age and wouldn't go back to that time - it was too expensive!! The rare good pic was a treasure though. Look forward to you sharing your experiments with us.

rebecca said...

ana..i am here and your comment box is in reach! thanks for adjusting your settings so i can leave you love notes....

A wondering star said...

Nice post! Nice to take a step back in film / photography world. The development has gone very fast. I love to see my old photo albums. It is soothing and helpful.
Have a great weekend :)

Lois said...

I am an introvert too. And rather old, yet that is ok. Better than the alternative. When I went to Mexico with my digital camera I only took 60 photos. It was as if I couldn't comprehend that 60 photos wasn't really that many! I treat my digital as though the photos are limited... Maybe more than 60 are too many for me to process... Thank you for visiting my little blog! Lois.

Ducky said...

Gorgeous! I do believe its the world of film shots that most display the mark of an amazing artist (in the realm of photography). You need not know the ins and out of a photo editing software...its either there or it isn't.

Looking forward to seeing through your lens!

Natasha said...

These photos are amazing...each has a story that's passionate and rich. I cannot wait to see what you create and capture in the coming moments. It's so exciting!!! There is something so exciting about not having the ability to create a moment over and over but instead needing to capture it just as it is and however it is captured is how it was to be remembered outside of your head. Love that

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love both of my 35 cameras I had the same dream a darkroom where I could live and make beautiful art. I do miss my 35's I may drag them out too.
There is something very special about B and W and selective shooting. B