This Veteran’s Day got me thinking about something I read: is it better to be a dead hero or a live coward?
I have always wanted to believe that in the face of a disaster, I would behave as a hero. But truth is most of us behave as the masses. It is that whole herd mentality thing, I hear so much about.
I watched a study done, where job applicants were put in a room and instructed not to move until someone came for them, but the room started smoking. The funny thing is that each group had a similar reaction: they looked at each other and when no one moved, they all just went about filling out their job applications. In one of the groups, one guy reacts to the smoke by getting up to seek help and the other “candidates” then responded to the smoke as well.
While our many heroes, soldiers, firefighters, police officers, and/or everyday people do amazing things, I question myself: would I save the life of a stranger or would I save my life? Would I sacrifice my beliefs and morals in order to survive, like those who were forced to convert to a faith they did not believe, or would I stand up for those beliefs and be killed?
That’s why I see a hero as a rare thing. They are those people who just had the presence of mind to lead others to safety and block doors in school shootings. Or they shielded their loved ones from the line of fire, sacrificing their own lives.
Although I hope I never have to find out what kind of person I would be- a hero or a coward- one thing is I know: all you ladies, who in these few months blogging have treated me with such kindness, you are my she-ro.
Love that 'she-ro' word!. To me a hero is someone who does w/out being asked, who thinks about others and does not expect any reward for helping someone out...A hero is selfless..and humble...
Nicely put a she-ro!! I don't know what I would do. I always see myself as a coward but when I have to do simulate I always do good!
Nice painting again. Ana, you're growing!
What a great post, Ana! You are one of my she-ro(s), too.
I like to think that I would be brave and do the right thing, but I don't know what would honestly happen.
I have to wonder the same thing about myself if I'm honest. I'd like to believe most people inately act altruistically when push comes to shove.
I believe we are all capable of much more than we think we are...and sometimes much less.
It is humbling to contemplate.
You are a true she-ro, and I always look forward to your inner explorations and thought-provoking topics.
Beautiful post; love the art and the message. Posts like this really gets me thinking.
A perfect thought for the day. I think people act differently in a crisis, and when it comes down to it, we react more strongly when our rights are violated.
But one thing I know for sure, is that I would stand in front of a lion or go through fire for my children. I think that's what makes mothers our heroes. :)
In the movie "Unsung Heroes" the lead female character makes this comment and I quote....."Anyone who makes it in this a hero'> I don't know if she is right or wrong but I like to think we are all heros in our own way.
Ditto to what My Grama's Soul said...
I see courageous people almost daily. Maybe not newsworthy, but maybe they should be... Some good news might be nice, for a change. Wishful thinking I suppose.
Aw, what a sweet ending and a wonderful post. You got me thinking...and I don't know what to tell you but lately I've been feeling a lot more spiritual and who knows, we could all be she-roes. :) Love that word, and YOU, my friend, are definitely one of them.
Let me tell you that these paintings are once again wonderful, pure art!
A question that at first seems quite simple to answer; but upon further thought, one wonders. Some heroics come into being at that instant when crises occurs, no time to think. I believe there is heroism in most of us. A very good discussion point, Ana!
Enjoying these artistic wonders very much!
I don't think we can answer the hero/coward issue until we're actually faced with a dangerous situation. It's all just hypothetical until reality kicks in.
Awwww... this is beautiful Ana... and I love the word she-ro... I would like to think we would be brave... but funny things happen in a crisis... interesting to read about that study too...
Jenny ♥
I can't imagine being brave enough to be a firefighter, soldier or police officer...I do love the word "she-ro."
I suppose nobody really knows until they are in that situation. What I do know is that I'd rather have the people I love alive and possibly cowardly, than dead because of their own heroics. I really admire people with dangerous jobs.
Every group needs a leader. :) Nice experiment. Love your butterflies! :)
What a wonderful topic, Ana. I left the herd mentality as a child, thanks to tips from my mother! I remember saying to her, "everybody else is doing it". Her response: "If everyone was jumping off a bridge would you do that too?" I have to say she was right - The Herd very rarely gets it right! :)
What a wonderful topic, Ana. I left the herd mentality as a child, thanks to tips from my mother! I remember saying to her, "everybody else is doing it". Her response: "If everyone was jumping off a bridge would you do that too?" I have to say she was right - The Herd very rarely gets it right! :)
i hadn't really thought this much about this....i would hope that i would step up to the plate if the situation called. i hope i would be the leader, but, truth would probably depend on the situation and my knowledge- unless someone was in danger. have i come full circle here?!....i would hope that if need be i would be a she-ro, no matter what.
You always give me food for you, I hope I would be brave enough to take action if needed. But it's hard to truly know until you're faced with that moment. I love your "she-ro" word, too. :)
P.S. Beautiful painting!
Lovely painting!
And I bet you are a she-ro too, in more ways than one.
Heroism can be seen in many small ways...not just n saving lives and such :) And you help charities, right? There you go, you are a she-ro!
You are a good, sweet soul!
Ana, what a profound reflexion you did!
I think that everyone that faces life and its difficulties and still have reasons to smile and love is a hero.
Your paintings are so lovely...
You are a she-ro too.
A big hug
wonderful post as always my young friend and as your paintings. You have a deep and old soul I am thinking. Lots going on in the mind of Ana. I would like to think I was a she-ro to someone, I guess we will never know until we get to heaven. Hugs and have fun on your trip. xo
HUGS Ana I a thinking you are the hero. B
I frequently think about this. We really don't know our character until we face an extreme situation. I wish we were all heroes, but we're certainly not...
Splendid painting. And yes, you pose a good question. A hero is indeed rare. And yet, I know so many heroes. They face challenges in their lives with grace. A hero doesn't have to be one who faces death. Instead, I say they must face life with a sense of love, courage, strength. Those are my heroes.
You are definitely a she-ro, Introvert. What a great topic and lovely post. As an adult, I do not know what hero I would be but I know that when one of my family members is in danger, a switch is turned in my head and I have to help them no matter what. When I think of myself as a child, I was faced with certain events that I think I acted on heroically but I'm not sure if it's still there. xoxo!
Didn't realize I missed so many great posts and pics! Love that word, she-ro:)
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