Saturday, July 7, 2012


To me, the act of creating is absolutely necessary for my well being, for my health, my soul, and my sanity.

The wonderful blog writer from Creatively Yours Bub and Me, once said her adorable child was afflicted with "creativitis." I was happy to find someone else in the world was afflicted with "creativity of the senses" besides me.

I go from one medium to the next for the simple pleasure of finding out what I can do and to take on a new challenge. I am an idea person, I find out. It goes right back to being a renaissance soul and proud of it.

I have taken on cross stitching, hanger covering, painting and now I have taken on a new project: jewelry making. The little beads, gold filled chains, sterling silver charms and, of course, the tools have absolutely charmed me.

This is my first necklace ever. An organic-shaped bead in clear and pink, strung by a very delicate 14K gold-filled chain.

Shushu (one of my dogs) helped me showcase my creation. He is the most obedient and eager to please pup I have ever met.

And of course, because I am such a crafts person, I could not resist these cute little vials to safe keep my  little items.

I hope to live a life embracing my creativitis.


Sherri B. said...

Oh, yes...I also have a chronic case of creativitis! What a perfect word. I was afflicted with the jewelry making symptom for awhile, but it passed and I now have other symptoms (like photography). lol :)

What a lovely post, and I so relate - your jewelry is beautiful! (and what a sweet pup to be your model...)

turquoisemoon said...

That necklace is beautiful...what a wonderful model! I am an "old" renaissance soul (but you were the first person I ever heard that term from)...anyway, by the time you get my age, you will have added at least 20 items to your list, and will reflect fondly on all of them. A person is normally "living in the present" while creating. A wonderful state to be in...ommmm

Naquillity said...

creativitis... i love that word as it encompasses everything i am. but, i have narrowed it down to poetry, photography & art journaling with a bit of sewing in between. love your bead necklace. you did a very nice job with it. hope all is well. have a great day~

Almost Precious said...

Oh my gosh, that's your puppy? I truly thought you had photographed the necklace upon a lush flokati rug. What incredible fur Sushu has.

The necklace is lovely and the little glass bead or charm, as the case may be, is precious. I love the color and the dimension that the clear crystal gives the two tone charm.
I think that the simplest things can be the most beautiful . . . a pretty gold chain, a dainty but stunning pendant, nothing more could make it any prettier . . . other than maybe a pair of dainty, matching earrings. :)

carol l mckenna said...

Necklace is very elegant and the model is soooo adorable ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

So glad to have you stop by ^_^

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

That looks fantastic! I'm glad you have so many interests. :) I've tried it all as well but nothing called me like paint does. :)

The Dancing Crone said...

Love your creativitis. Did you know that you are a creatrix? I'm rather sorry that the ix endings have gone the way of the dinosaur, they are so much more interesting and of course more descriptive, indicating gender as they do.

Lisa said...

Ana - I love that! A sensual wellness in which I'm glad to be immersed as well. How delicious!!

Sulky Kitten said...

Your pups are gorgeous! Your necklace is so pretty - I am not in the least bit creative (apart from the occasional post!) but it's something I admire in others.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Creativitis I love this word I also love your creations. I may have creativitis too. I am so happy:) B

Zena said...

I also have a serious case of creativitis (love the word), I am always looking for new crafts or creative activities to do... and I am sure this has been a great resource along my life, that has helped me a lot. Wonderful necklace

Jane said...

Your necklace is really lovely. I consider myself a very creative person as well. I really appreciate your last statement :)

GlorV1 said...

Your necklace looks awesome. Love those little vials. I try to believe that I do have some creativity and you definitely do. How cute that your family pet member modeled your necklace.:)) By the way, sometimes I do post recipes and sometimes not. Thanks for asking. Take care.

The Cranky said...

The necklace is absolutely perfect; a jewelry haiku rather than a florid sonnet ;-) and with Shushu as a model how could it not be a hit??

Creativitis? Perfect! I'm not terribly creative myself but make a very good audience.

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

What a lovely post. Ana. The images are beautiful; your necklace is lovely. I love the word 'creativits'! How lucky are those that are inflicted with it :)

Roger said...

Nice art.

S said...

Love your jewelry creation.
Sometimes, you and I are so alike in our thoughts and pursuits. I too need to be creative , on an daily basis,to give meaning to my life. I am also into jewelry making and one day I will showcase my creation in my blog. Earlier I was doing embroidery but nowadays I am more into painting,stitching by hand and jewelry making, apart from writing and photography.
Keep creating !

foxysue said...

I think jewelry making is just about the only thing I have never had a go at! Now I have seen your goody store jars, I might just have to venture to the bead shop!

Have a lovely time creating :~) x

Arkansas Patti said...

The difference between you and I is that I think I can, but usually can't though that doesn't stop me from trying. You try and succeed.
Love that necklace.

Shaharoh said...

Why are those vials stuck in my head? Now I'm thinking of all kinds of things I can put in them. Thanks, Introvert! That necklace is cute and soo original. Congrats on your new creative outlet:)