Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Rose

It's becoming harder and harder to keep up... and I have been wondering greatly if the blog should continue to exist... 

Like a rose, there are so many amazing people in this community that makes it hard to leave.


kathleen codyrachel said...

Love this ! Would hate to see you leave -trust your heart!

kathleen codyrachel said...

Love this ! Would hate to see you leave -trust your heart!

The Dancing Crone said...

Why not take a break? I would be very sorry if you left completely, Ana. Let your blog go fallow for awhile. but you know I will support you whatever you decide to do.

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I LOVE your step by step, wow, Ana! I havn't been able to blog or even create as often, but I decided to forgive myself and just do it when I can and am inspired to. That's okay... be true to yourself, Ana...thinking of you. Love, kath

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

It's hard to keep up with the blog when life keeps us so busy, Ana, and I echo what Francie said. Why not just take a break? Or just blog whenever you feel like it. I'd also hate to see you leave but you must do what's best for you.

The Cranky said...

I'll miss you, should you choose to leave, but whatever you decide I wish happiness and fulfillment for you.
May you continue evolving as beautifully as your rose. <3

Middle Girl said...

Keeping up and struggling with a decision to stay or leave seems to be a recurring theme. I enjoy your words and art and would be sorry to see you go. But this isn't about me. ;-) Take gentle care whichever direction you go.

Sherri B. said...

I understand your feelings...I agree with everyone else that I would miss you if you left! But you must do what feels right for you. Sending good thoughts - that rose is simply amazing. :)

Melissa said...

The rose is beautiful. I love seeing how it "bloomed" under your hands.

Ana, I understand how you are feeling as I've been feeling like that with my blog. But I will say what others have said to me "don't quit! take a break. blog when you feel like it but don't quit!"

Many years ago when I started my blog, it was a place where people chatted. Now there's FB, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, etc so there's only so much one can/must do to "keep up" which can be stressing. I try to keep things simple but taking a break right now has been good for me.

I hope you find a happy place to be with this.

Kyra Wilson said...

Lovely rose! Your blog, your choice. :) The real question is would you lose something or gain something by stoping the blog?

Magic Love Crow said...

Your rose is stunning!
I hope you don't leave us!
Blog when you want to ;o) There are no rules!
And, when it comes to commenting on other people's blogs, do it when you can ;o) I'm usually 4-6 days behind! LOL!
Do what is best for you, but truly know, you will be MISSED!!!! ;o)

Riot Kitty said...

I would miss you for sure :) Lovely rose.

Ileana said...

Your rose creation is beautiful. I find your blog so full of truth and inspiration and creativity...there is not another one like it, so I would miss it and you, but I understand if real life is getting in the way. I write less but I still keep my blog, as much as I would like to write more and read more, I have other priorities.

floating thru fields said...

your work continues to baffle me, the way your able to add depth and shadow when you start with nothing is amazing! I feel that way too sometimes that my blog takes away from my projects but I think it's a helpful outlet, I hope you keep an outlet of some sort to share your work :)

oklyous said...

I really like seeing your progress! Beautifull work.
I hope you wont go, but what ever you do, it got to feel right to you.
It is difficult. I sometimes think about quiting, but I mostly use mine as a sorta creative diary, and I like that. Reading and commenting on others blogs, are only somethings I do occasionally. I just don't have the energy.

Zena said...

Wonderful artwork. My blog is like a private journal that I share with others, so I still enjoy it, but I can understand the need to quit

Everytime I have wanted to make it "something else" with it, I have felt uneasy, maybe because those attempts have been unrealistic as I have not the time to develop them... so one day I decided that my blog would be just what it is and I wouldn´t try to develop any other creative project through it.

This reduced my frustration about it and give it back its original purpose: being a personal journal.

Most of those creative project remain in my mind (my life is complicated and my work too hectic) but I know one day I will start them... one day... but not through my blog, I want it to stay true to its nature.

Take care, dear Ana. Much Love and Happy Weekend

Almost Precious said...

The rose is as beautiful as you are.
As a rather long time blogger, I sincerely understand how difficult it can be to keep up a blog and to take the time to visit, read and leave comments at those blogs that one has grown fond of. It is a daunting challenge, especially since life itself can be so demanding.
Hope you find your middle ground, that place that you feel comfortable in, perhaps all you need is a short break or perhaps to post less frequently. Right now I am struggling trying to find my own middle ground - wish me luck, just as I am wishing you luck too. :)