This morning I was listening to Chaka Khan’s “I’m Every Woman” song. In the past, this song always evoked images of this mystical, magical woman. However, the imagery I associated with this song changed drastically as I was driving to work and singing along.
“I’m Every Woman” became a song about every woman who has ever touched my life in some way or another. "I’m every woman" is me, influenced by each female figure in my life who taught me a precious lesson in life or passed along wisdom based on her own experiences.
I had the opportunity to read my grandmother’s journal a couple of years ago. The chance to partake in her experiences, not only through the stories told by the women in my family but through my grandmother’s voice, showed me how much of what she went through has molded who I am.
I am thankful to every woman who has come into my life and shared her wisdom with me. I am thankful to every woman who has paved the way so I can have rights and be heard. I want to be a better person and accept every woman in her entirety, because there is so much more behind a face than the make-up or clothes she is wearing. Behind the mask, there is "her-story" of happiness, sadness, and hopes.
Yes, we are all both students and teachers, aren't we?
What a nice post. We have all been touched by women...past and present. How wonderful and special that your grandmother wrote a journal that you could read!
How beautifully put...I love your thoughts and ponderings, and I'm so glad you share them with the blog world. And an added bonus of visiting your blog: your art work is lovely! :)
It is rather cool isn't it? When you suddenly realize that the bits and pieces of ancestors and those you encounter become like little pieces of a mosaic that come together to form who we are. Love your artwork and thoughts! And thank you for your kind words on my blog!
Beautiful post and beautiful artwork! So weird but Chaka Khan is my mom's favorite singer and I grew up loving that song. I never fully paid attention to the lyrics until this post. The idea that every woman has added color to our lives is such a beautiful feeling. I am blown away that you were able to read your grandmother's journal. That is such a blessing. I wonder if my grandmother would have had one, what it would say.
And isn't wonderful to finally realise that?
It was amazing. She has pictures and the account of most of her life. Some parts were very sad, but some were so enlightening.
Thank you so much Sherri. So are your photographs.
I used to think I was created in a vacuum, but now I realise how much of my parents I have in me...
Ooh gosh!what a lovely post!! Your artwork is wonderful... Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
What I love is that in embracing "every woman" you acknowledge the exceptional within them and within you. You honor them and you honor you. YOU become that woman that you are celebrating. It's such a beautiful gift we can give to one another and I wish even more women saw that because we can honestly make anything happen. Look at you - you are inspiring women all around you. I tip my hat to you. You have inspired me tonight as you do each time I'm here.
Ana I love this painting of yours. Don't we all have a little of our Mom's and Grandma's within us? In my life this has come out more when I myself became a mother.
Lynn, thank you so much for your kind words.
Natasha, you are one of the kindest souls I have encountered. In 21 secrets, you are the one who always the most encouraging comments. Thank you...
A lot of people have told me how our perspectives change once we become a parent.
Thank you for visiting me. I see you are striking a chord in many a woman's heart, this is such a beautiful and worthwhile pursuit!
Your artwork is adds another lovely dimension.
Have a great weekend. x
You are an amazing artist. I love the fact that you learned much from your Grandmother's journal. I have learned much from my Grandmother also. There is not a problem that has not been encountered and then conquered by some strong woman before us.We just need to understand that we are not the only one. Take care. B
This is beautiful, Ana. And so inspiring and uplifting and life-affirming. Thank you so much for the lovely comment you left for me and my Celtic mandalas on Denise's beautiful Harvest Moon blog. I've just subscribed to your blog - absolutely beautiful artwork and your thoughts so beautifully expressed. Thanks for sharing your creative intentions with all of us. And that Chaka Khan song, 'I'm Every Woman,' is one of my all-time favourites. She sings it with such love, such passion, such energy and such spirit! You've got great taste artistically as well as musically. Slan go foill - June
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