Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Are all managers asses?

Cover of Recipes Art Journal

When I was 19, I got a job at a store I really liked. My manager, who was the owner's sister, was a major bitch. She wasn't a bad person, I actually really liked her, that's not how I mean it, but she was a bitch in my eyes. AND everyone did everything to please her. It was around that time that I noticed pleasers get what others want and people like her got what she wanted.

Recipe Art Journal Page

Fast forward a couple of years and I had a manager who was one of the people I admired the most in my career. She led by example and never, EVER, belittled any of her employees or called their attentions in front of others.

Recipe Art Journal Page

Fast forward almost 2 decades and I see more and more managers who are vile people and I ask myself: where are the great leaders of our nation? I still had the opportunity to work with professionals from the old days who led by example, who fostered learning and respect and whose employees worked with them out of desire and loyalty.

Recipe Art Journal Page

Nowadays, I see the corporate world as a place for executives who do little more than work hard in collecting big paychecks and bonuses.

Maybe because I am older and sure, I don't like to think it is because I am jaded, but I cannot change the world. All I can do is lead by example.

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. … We need not wait to see what others do.” Gandhi

workout update: monday (yoga); tuesday (3 mile walk); wednesday (walked 1 mile, attempted to get home using the stair- I live on the 21st floor- I made to the 6th) :-) Moving a little everyday.


Sulky Kitten said...

I love your recipe journal,unique and beautiful. It's always great to come across people that we can respect and learn from. Sadly, they are sometimes hard to find, but it shouldn't discourage us from trying to one day be those people in somebody else's future.

The Dancing Crone said...

I absolutely love the layout here - your artwork is so fresh and creative! No shrimp!! My new mantra! Love it. Anyway, I also enjoyed reading your comments about working for asses. Sad, but true in most cases.

Robin Larkspur said...

It is a crying shame that good leaders are so few and far between.

Love your artwork!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A good manager is worth his or her weight in gold, no doubt about it.

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic art ~ very creative and colorful! (A Creative Harbor)

Always good to have you 'visit' ^_^

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

Sixth floor...and climbing!! Good job with creative exercise! I am drinking vegetable juices, handmade in a juicer using fresh, homegrown veggies! Keeping moving, drinking more water...I am aiming for the healthiest year in years!

Jeanne said...

Good leaders seem to be fewer and farther between every day. I have yet to encounter a decent manager in my working career. The best that I can hope for is to find one that isn't too much of a tyrant. I have come close to being fired more than once because I refused to compromise my morals for an a** of a boss.

So glad to hear that you are gradually moving. I began last year horribly overweight. My joints hurt all the time and I was just uncomfortable in my own skin. I started moving more and eating better. I have now dropped 3 sizes and feel much better. Just remember to go slow with the exercise and be patient. :0)


I'm afraid most of my friends would also say their managers are a**es. I myself was in a managerial position in a corporate setting, and I'd like to think I wasn't an ass haha.. I was very consciously thankful, just, kind, honest etc (because I did not want to become like my assy boss haha) but who knows.. it does suggest that sometimes people may be asses without even realising it. Ultimately, because we *do* have that awareness, then we must set the example; probably one of the best mottoes to live by is "Do to others as you would have them do to you".

Mary said...

I know going to work with other professionals that you can count on to be appropriate, carry their load and help others is wonderful.

The Cranky said...

I love your recipe book Ana; creative, colourful, and fun!

Sadly, many people want 'the power' for all the wrong reasons and everyone under them suffers. Others are terrified inside and over-react in nearly every situation. I think you have the right idea, you can only change yourself.

Congratulations on moving a bit every day! I got in a couple of good walks over the weekend and have done some stretching and balance sessions a couple of times this week. =)

foxysue said...

An embellished recipe journal what a good idea, making it personal.

About managers, although I don't have one anymore, my experience was mixed, we're all mixed bags! Some of my most painful experiences were work related and usually involving a manager! Looking back they paved the way to the person I am today, lessons have been learnt, mostly about myself! I love the quote from Gandhi.

Hope you are 'liking' your exercise routine, are taking lots of pics on your walks? x

Meera Rao said...

I love your recipe journal ! The colors are delicious, if I may say so ;) I think bosses/ managers have a lot to learn about being good people in general - and that brings loyalty and great work by all concerned!

Jess said...

Don't lose faith, my boss is really lovely. :) Well done with the daily exercises, I really need to do more. I'm an awe of your 6 flights!
Jess x x

S said...

I love your recipe art journal. Simply creative, beautiful colors. Love how with a few strokes you painted such a beautiful tree and sky !
Your work out routine is great. You would indeed get more energy if you continue with the routine. Climbing stairs is a great way to lose weight-I can vouch for that!

Love the Gandhi quote.
There are so many bosses out there who cannot be good examples to us and even if they get a lot of salary and are admired by some, they cannot set any good examples for our future generation.

Buttons Thoughts said...

New style art I love it.
Wow Ana 21 floors is quite a goal I know you can do it.
Come on down to the farm and we can walk in my beautiful forest and share the creativity that would come from it. Conversations with you would be fantastic I am sure.I can only imagine you painting trees and birds. I think you are going to make it to 21 in no time. Go Ana. Hugs B

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Yeah, those days are gone. :) You work for money now and the better you are at it the higher you get and it doesn't really matter how you treat others. Sad. Great paintings! Love those poppies. :)

Anonymous said...

I am lucky to work for a great company and great people.

AntiquityTravelers said...

So here is a fun one for you. A few years ago I got my annual review (corporate setting) and was told that I was 'too motherly' that I spent too much time 'nurturing my people.' Huh. I can remember when I first started in corporate life someone said to me 'you are only as good as the people that work for you.' and their meaning being that you should take the time to train them, and train them well. I still believe that. I got new business cards about 3 years ago and we were told to put something creative on the back to describe what our job was. Mine is a quote from Gandhi "Be the change you want to see in the world" ... Wise man.

I love the recipe art. It feels like snap shots in a busy, warm kitchen. A place you want to be.

alteredstatesstudio said...

it is hard isn't it? i manage a small group where i work, and i have had to grow so that i could lead by example. if my employees have brought a mistake on the schedule- i flat our take ownership for it and correct it. but, there are other managers that are in my place of work- that flat out suck! don't follow up with their employees, take half hour to forty five minute breaks and think nothing of it, because they are not busy at the is so hard to find a good manager.

Jenny said...

Oh Ana... your artwork is magical... loved reading your post... and can so relate... and good on you... with your workouts... that is awesome...

Jenny x

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

Oh, I love your artwork, Ana! You are so talented --- in so many ways. I really mean that.

A true leader does not need to belittle others, or stomp on others, to be a leader. Those are bullies. Bullies elevate themselves by crushing people. It seems to me that we have more bullies than leaders in this society. I'm not sure why it's becoming this way.

Anonymous said...

We can't all be leaders; too bad most of us are followers. Congrats on your exercise maneuvers. I should do the same.

Sherri B. said...

I've had both kinds of bosses...thank goodness for the good ones. But you're right - they can be hard to find! You would think it'd be common sense for an employer (manager) to treat their employees with dignity and respect...sadly, that is not always the case. Your art work featuring recipes is beautiful! What a wonderful idea...

turquoisemoon said...

Love your recipe very cool! I've had both good and bad bosses during my working days. The good bosses were wonderful. But I must say, that I learned more about myself from the bad ones...

unikorna said...

I have a problem with female bosses, not all of them, of course, but women seem to be a lot less fair than men when they are in leading positions. Nevertheless it's not a rule. Is this your art? I love your colors. And also congrats on the blog award from Shaharoh :).

Anonymous said...

I've never experienced a manager so vile as you've described though I've worked for some difficult ones.

Ducky said...

Nothing is as it was...the world is proving that every single second of every day.

ArtMuse.MarjorieLord said...

I think there are so many pressures put on people in our modern world to perform, stay afloat, survive in business etc that perhaps their frustration 'a**ness* is because they have not done people management / communication training.
However in saying that I also believe that they have a right to be frustrated angry what ever BUT they do not have any right to express their feelings or take it out on people they work with.

geetlee said...

i love your exercise update at the bottom :) i've recently started jogging ahead... oh my god! it's really hard to get outta the door but I have been consistent.. for that i am grateful.

you know we should talk sometime about bad managers.. i have many many stories to tell. i agree with you completely

Zena said...

So very true... leadership is not so easy. Wonderful journal pages