I am an exclamation point. For many years, I censured my overuse of exclamation marks. But who wants a life that always ends in a period? I want reticence of what's to come, the question marks of the unknown tomorrow, but most of all, I want the exclamation point of a life well lived. Surprise, happiness, or "notes of admiration"to express the excitement of being alive.
As an exclamation point, I overuse superlatives. I feel big. My heart explodes in a thousand exclamation marks, which can hardly contain my sense of awe. I am effervescent, ebullient, and spumescent. To ask an exclamation point to be a period, would be the same to ask my heart, that sings like a chorus of 10,000 people, to not sing at all. And that would be a catastrophe, an alluvion, a cataclysm of unheard consequences. An exclamation point could never cry quietly. An exclamation point can only cry as though in a mexican "telenovela" with the poetry of a shakespearean tragedy.
As an exclamation point, I am each Native American murdered for land, each slave stolen from home then treated as an "other". I am each Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and woman persecuted and murdered. I am each immigrant who left home for a better future, even though it meant hate and illegal status, but then I am each mother who heard a child crying of hunger. I am each animal abused and abandoned and each unwanted child. I am each ignorant person. I am each act of hate, of envy and prejudice, but I also am each conscious that knew better. I am each note of a song that makes one believe in the divine. I am each act of kindness. I am each first kiss and each broken heart. I am each leap of faith.
I am an exclamation point.
Wow this is incredibly introspective and beautiful. You really gave me lots to think about and to ponder today...
You are wonderful! Love the shots of your journal, my own has become a jumble of lists and half-grown thoughts. Oh well, this too will change...
All I can say is: well done!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful! Me too!
ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= <3
Standing Ovation!!! I too would rather live my Life with many exclamation points along the way. I once heard that Marilyn Monroe said she'd rather be called Crazy than Boring..., I totally agree!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
Well done!
I use them quite a bit too, and I am well aware I have an "intense personality" which probably makes me an exclamation point too. :)
Wow. If I find myself regretting any exclamation points, I'll come right back here.
What beautiful writing...I loved what you said! I also use lots of exclamation points, and now that you mention it, I do often go back and edit them out because I feel there's too many.
You truly inspired me today - truly! I am sitting here and words are just filling me. I must go write. Thank you for making me think and inspiring me to action! Celebrate the exclamation points worldwide!
Very poetic and I feel power un what you said!
Amazing post! Very strong and powerful! I love this post!!!!
Beautiful post! I believe in exclamation marks!!!! Thank you for saluting them!
I'm overwhelmed with the power of this piece of writing, Ana.
Wow, Ana. What an incredible post. I have chills all over. This is so profound. Love it!
Your drawings always make me so happy, and I always, always leave your blog so filled with inspiration. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!
what a wonderful and inspiring thing to read, really! I was kinda having a hard day and this put a smile on my face so thank you (: I think if I had to choose, I would be an exclamation point too! (:
Stay well *(:
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